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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


.. well, for mossies at least. This morning's journey to the office was made slightly more interesting by the seriously large number of mosquitoes that were hitching a ride with us.
I think I 'disposed' of 14 but there must have been more than 30. Tanya was far more generous and allowed them to escape by opening her window - but I did the totally non-Thai and non-Buddhist thing and just clapped my hands as they flew past. Well, how was I to know they would be flying between my hands at the exact moment by palms touched?
You would have thought the driver might have given us a discount for helping rid his cab of these annoyances, but no such luck.


Christine Hoh 5:21 AM  

no no no

every living thing should be given a chance to survive.
I guess the mossies are just being in the wrong place at the wrong time - just when you are about to pray ....

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 12:15 PM  

You got it right Christine ... they flew through my hands just as I had a sudden and swift urge to wai (the standard Thai greetings where both palms are brought together).

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