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Friday, February 02, 2007


Thailand has announced that it is looking at the possibility of building a nuclear plant in the next 15 years. The instant reaction from most expats is 'they must be joking', based on the fact they can't even build a proper airport. Just imagine what would happen when, a few months after opening their new plant, cracks started to appear around the reactor. It's not the kind of problem you can solve with super glue and bit of pollyfilla.
In all seriousness Thailand does need to find alternative sources of energy, much like the rest of the world, but given the amount of sun we get here surely solar power must be a safer and more sensible option?
If you don't watch The Simpsons then you'll not understand the next bit, but a spokesman for Thailand's proposed overseas nuclear energy partner was quoted as saying "Eeeexxxxccceeellleeennnttttt" when hearing the news.


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