Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


From my post yesterday about trust you will gather I am having problems recruiting, and without naming any names it is with someone I had earmarked for one of the high-profile positions. I have several problems, and these actually came as a result of comments by someone I was interviewing who said she would not be able to work with this person if the two of them ended up with job offers.
Someone doesn't say something like that without reason, especially a Thai, so I needed to do some further investigations. These investigations have already highlighted two big discrepancies between what this candidate is claiming on the resume and what is actually being said by previous employers.
My boss isn't as worried as I am about this; he said that most Thais will decorate their resume to make it look better than it actually is, or to fill in some gaps in employment. I think differently. To me it's about trust and the truth. If this person cannot tell the truth on his resume then it makes me wonder whether they will tell the truth about other things, including any stories they might be involved in.
The episode is a long way from being concluded, and I will keep you all updated.


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