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Friday, May 18, 2007


I arrived home yesterday evening to see my new lodger quickly scurrying out of my condo - from underneath the door. It seems as though a lizard had spent time in my place during the day, lost track of the time and was leaving when I arrived back. My attempts to stop him and say hello were futile and he quickly made his way under the door of my neighbour's room.
This lizard is the latest creature to want to stay with me. One especially large cockroach was making his way across the floor a few weeks when I accidentally squashed him with a rolled up copy of The Bangkok Post.
Tanya and I tried to make things a bit harder for these guys to come into my room by fixing a piece of cardboard to act as a barrier against the tiny gap at the bottom of my door, but it seems they've mastered that already and have probably told their friends too.


Anonymous 12:00 PM  

I came home once and found a cat in my room. I also had a lizard living in my bathroom for a couple of weeks. Not to mentioned the army of ants that tried to carry away a piece of cake that I forgot about.

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