Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Friday, February 20, 2009


The Economist has published an online article about press freedom in Asia, including Thailand. It makes mention of the recent non-distribution of three print editions within the country.
The article appears online only; it does not appear the publisher has chosen to include it within this week's print edition. I am speculating that if they did it would be the fourth edition not to appear on the shelves and in the letterboxes of its subscribers. Was the decision to make it an online-only story a conscious decision? My guess would be yes, absolutely.
Talking about the publishing of those recent stories it says: "That doing so may break Thai law, and—worse still—offend many Thais is unfortunate and upsetting. But if we want to help non-Thais understand what is going on in that country, it is unavoidable."
So just because The Economist doesn't agree with the laws of one particular country it chooses to break them? How very arrogant!


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