Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Readers of The Nation will notice a few changes to their newspaper this morning.
The most obvious change is that the newspaper's two sections are now 'wrapped' in a whiter, thicker outer four pages. The rest of the paper is printed on the same, lower quality paper.
Another change is in the price; a 20 per cent increase from 25 baht to 30 baht. Ace magazine, the glossy Sunday supplement, also appears to have died.
In a note on its front page headlined: "The Nation adds premium paper to reading experience" explains: ".. the cover price will be adjusted .. to reflect the hike in newsprint prices, which we had been absorbing since late last year." It also explains: "The contents of The Nation on Sunday magazine Ace will be transferred to the main newspaper ..". It justifies the change in paper by saying it wants to: ".. distinguish itself as the largest English language business daily in Thailand."
Correct me if I am wrong but newsprint prices have been declining in recent months so the "price hike" explanation does not make sense. And unless I've missed something The Nation is the ONLY English language business daily in Thailand.


David - LIB 3:41 PM  

Newsprint prices have indeed been going down, but it is the standard excuse for price hikes.

The Bangkok Post cited exactly the same thing to justify the hike in cover price, and of course did not reduce that price when newsprint prices dropped. I believe one writer to Postbag did point that out, but there was no comment in response.

The Nation is just taking this to new levels by increasing prices so long after the fact that it is no longer a valid reason.

It would have been better if they had just said that they had to increase prices - excuses are superfluous.

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 7:12 AM  

It will be interesting to see the state of NMG's accounts for the first quarter. They should be released to the Stock Exchange anytime now.

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