Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Thursday, June 04, 2009


The Nation has a new subscription offer.
Until recently a one-year subscription came with a similar subscription to Newsweek. Now The Nation is offering a six-month subscription to The Wall Street Journal Asia as part of its incentive package.
The price for this tie-up is 8,460 baht (which includes a McDonald's voucher and a USB coffee cup warming hub). The previous deal with Newsweek was 5,400 baht. A standard one-year subscription to The Nation is priced at 4,900 baht.
The subscriptions process for most publications in Thailand remains inconvenient. Why don't publishers make it an easy and convenient experience by offering an online credit card payment option? To take advantage of this offer you must print a PDF, fill in your details and then fax it.
How old-fashioned is that?


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