Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The Press Council of Thailand has warned Thai newspapers about their coverage of David Carradine's death in Bangkok.
The report, which appears on the website of Thai language newspaper Matichon, reminds publishers to abide by the organisation's Code of Ethics and Guidelines. Particular mention is made of the guideline which states: "Newspapers must use their judgement when presenting photographs that may be violent or pornographic in nature."
Editorials today in Matichon and The Nation have been somewhat critical of Thai Rath's publication of what they claimed to be two photographs of the crime scene.
In a separate development the global frenzy to view the David Carradine images from has caught the attention of both spammers and those seeking to spread malware and computer viruses. Thai RathPC1News reports that Twitter users have also been targeted.

h/t to Bangkok Pundit (@bangkokpundit on Twitter).


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