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Monday, June 29, 2009


The news of Michael Jackson's death came at around 4.45am last Friday morning, so by the time Thailand's newspapers could cover the story some 24 hours later they were very much playing catch-up.
There was nothing new they could add to the story, and
The Bangkok Post's coverage focused on tribute from Thai fans, the time Jackson appeared in Bangkok in August 1993. Other newspapers here, including number one seller Thai Rath, had to wait for their 'Sunday' editions to run the story because of their printing schedules.
Celebrity gossip website is credited with breaking the story. The Time Warner owned site was a good 30 minutes ahead of the the more traditional media outlets in confirming Jackson's death. But this shouldn't be a surprise; is run by experienced journalists who use the same methods to get their story regardless of where that final story appears. In my opinion print can still triumph when it comes to publishing iconic images.
Without exception the news of Jackson's passing made front pages around the world. My personal favourite comes from
Extra in Brazil. So simple, so dramatic. And there's no way this kind of presentation can work online.


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