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Monday, August 17, 2009


The second edition of Hotel Gateway magazine has three spelling errors on the front cover, adding to one that appeared on its inaugural front page several months ago.
In May I blogged about a 'specail' problem on the front cover of the April/May first edition, with the incorrect spelling of the word 'special'. The second edition, dated August/September, boasts three errors; "Mountiain" instead of "Mountain", 'Cmlization" instead of "Civilization" and "Sxenery" instead of "Scenery".
The first edition included what appeared to be a native English proofreader on the staff list. His name has now disappeared, as has the smooth, native English presentation of the English language stories. Regular readers will understand when I say this magazine is coming a close second to Open Thailand for its use of English.
Hotel Gateway, which sells for 80 baht, has a surprising number of advertisements for a new magazine. I wonder how long these companies will tolerate these errors?


Gareth 8:47 AM  


This could be the start of a new cult following. I'm beginning to think fondly of both this and Open Thailand!

The odd thing is, the mistakes you highlight in the second edition are odd, especially the 'Cmilization' error. 'Specail' I can (almost) understand - but knowing that Thais accept poor English as 'correct' the lack of a native English speaking proof reader is a small expense worth paying.

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 8:55 AM  

The "Cmlization" (I even got it wrong it my original post) looks as though someone just saw the "ivi" as a "m". You do have to look closely to see it.

The "Sxenery" has been repeated in the contents panel so could be a cut-and-paste problem, although all three errors that appear on the front cover do not appear in the body of the magazine.

The thing is Gareth, how much would it cost a publisher to have a pair of native English eyes look over the content? You'd probably find an English teacher that would be happy to do it for a few thousand baht, although all the stories that appear in English would need some serious re-writing to read well to a native English audience - and that would cost more.

Matthew Hunt 9:51 AM  

They could be typos, but that would suggest that there is no proof reading of any kind.

Aside from the mistakes you mention, the grammar of all text on the front page is atrocious: "a grove the mountain" etc. And "sigh from nature" should be "sights from nature" surely? How come they get the Swahili right but everything else wrong?!


(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 10:10 AM  

The grammar on the front is an indication of what you can expect inside, and the "Hakuna Matata" reference is the name of a resort that is featured inside.

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