Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


At least at The Nation, one of Thailand's two national English-language newspapers, where in a statement to the Stock Exchange of Thailand recently it reported a 4 percent rise in print advertising revenue.

At the same time is also reported a 13 percent decline in newspaper circulation revenues, but as its publications are not subjected to an independent circulation audit very few people will know how many copies are actually printed and sold.
Overall though, the first nine months of 2015 have been good for the Group with a THB 81.38 million profit – a 58 percent increase on the same time-frame last year.
Print isn’t dead – yet – at least in this part of the world. 
Note that The Nation and its group is involved in many kinds of media businesses, including digital television, pocket books and even its own University.


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