Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Well, this is post number 200 of The Bangkok Bugle. It's time to say thanks to those who keep in touch and send me comments - it is much appreciated.
In the last eight months a lot has happened in my life, and that's without a coup, a currency fiasco and the explosions of last week. But life goes on, and so will The Bangkok Bugle.
The next six months will be exciting for me. The new magazine (I will be so happy on Wednesday when I can refer to it by its proper name) is set for launch in June, and between now and then I have to recruit around 25 people.
I am also happy to say the one of my former colleagues from the UK might be joining me in the coming months, and pleased that the events of the New Year seem only to have reinforced her and my view that Bangkok and Thailand needs the kind of magazine we are introducing in these turbulent times.
Thanks again .. and keep in touch !


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(c) The Bangkok Bugle 2006 - 2015. Email me at bkkandy AT for information.