Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Thailand has suffered very little from last week's coup. The Stock Exchange initially lost about five per cent of its value in the first day of trading after the coup, but that lost ground has now been clawed back. Tourist numbers from last week are largely unaffected and investor confidence is pretty much the same as it was pre-coup.
The general feeling is that the events of last week will actually be beneficial in the mid and long-term, and that's pretty much what I thought from the start. The country needed a change of direction and, even though its come through unconventional methods, its happened and the country can now look to the future.
I took this picture (right) on Sunday, and it shows the significance of the colour yellow (the colour that represents His Majesty the King) and the fact that everything that has happened has been done in the name of the King.


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