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Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I got an unexpected surprise yesterday - a pay rise !
I always knew that one day I would earn a million a year - from next month I will be (and a bit more besides), and the fact that it will be in Thai baht isn't too much of a problem. My boss called me, and first said he was giving me a 28 per cent rise - and then about five minutes later he called me into his office, said he'd made a mistable and increased it by another 20,000 per month. I joked and said 'If I come in again in another five minutes will it go up again?' He laughed, which is unusual for my boss.
There is one small 'condition' and that's that I need to help him with his Business English. That's not a problem at all - and should be quite fun too. He's Japanese, incase you've forgotten or perhaps I haven't told you before now.
In practical terms it's a reward for the work I have done so far, and probably a little bit of a carrot to keep me here, although I have no plans to leave at all. I'll be earning something like nine or ten times the average wage of Thai people, so my standard of living will be pretty high. That in itself will make it hard to leave if ever I wanted to, because back in the UK I would need to earn something like 70,000 to 100,000 per year to maintain the same standards of living.
I'm not complaining though - just making plans to spend it!


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