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Friday, March 16, 2007


Beggars are a common sight in Bangkok, and it doesn't affect me as much as when I first arrived. Yesterday there were two people on the footbridge outside my office, one with no hands and one with a missing leg. How can you choose between them?
The sad fact is that many are bussed into the capital every day by gangs having originally come from Burma. Any money you do give is not likely to end up in their pockets - more likely it will end up in the pockets of the gang masters.
The other fact is that as a foreigner, I seem to be seen as someone with money and more likely to want to give. Their attempts to engage in eye contact with me are often more determined then with the Thais that walk past at the same time. There are genuine people on the streets that are in real need of help, and I think I am slowly learning to spot them.


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