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Monday, April 02, 2007


I think most people with an email address have, at one time or another, been sent a 'Nigerian 419 scam' email. These are those emails that seem too good to be true, and normally promise millions of pounds in return for 'help'. In fact they are just out to get your money and steal your identity.
There's a pastime which is slowly gaining popularity called scambaiting, and I have to admit that if I had more time I'd be joining in. The aim is to get the scammer to waste as much time and money as possible; after all these are criminals with the sole intent of getting your money so why can't you have a bit of fun at their expense?
Sites like and contain many 'trophies' where the good guys have fought back and cost the scammers money in terms of overseas phone calls, shipping, hotel reservations, etc. There are even pictures where one scammer has tattooed a message on his arms and back in return for promises of money. Of course that never happens, and those involved in this hobby never give their real names or details.
Have a look at this BBC story from 2004 and that will give you an idea of the purpose and techniques behind this growing hobby.


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