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Thursday, December 20, 2007


The media spotlight is starting to shine on Thailand once again in the run-up to Sunday's elections. Already newspapers such as The Guardian and The Sydney Morning Herald are carrying stories which highlight just how important this vote will be for the future of Thailand.
What's funny is that a lot of the stories quote that erstwhile barometer of public opinion, the Bangkok taxi driver. And what is equally funny is that most of those quoted say pretty much the same thing about how bad the last 15 months have been for their business and how they hope things will change. Taxi drivers are normally pretty forthcoming with their opinions about most subjects and to find some that don't give their views on who will win is pretty difficult.
Reuters has it pretty spot on I think. Their report says pretty much the best the country can hope for is a weak Democrat-led coalition government and an absence of any further coups. What will be interesting is if the pro-Thaksin PPP (People Power Party) gets control or manages to form a coalition.


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