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Thursday, April 10, 2008


For me nothing beats the feel a newspaper and magazine. Websites are fine but have you tried to read online news sitting on the toilet? Don't answer - I don't want to know, thank you.
Here in Thailand we have access to printed copies of daily newspapers from around the world on the same day, and every once in a while I buy a copy of one of the UK newspapers to keep in touch with what's happening. These black-and-white copies are available from Kinokuniya and Bookazine shops in Bangkok, normally from late morning onwards. They only seem to have one or two copies on sale so you have to be quick.
Obviously you pay a premium for this. The Daily Mail is 240 baht (around four quid in UK money) so it's something a lot of people can afford to do regularly. Sometimes there copies are not without errors. You sometimes see a huge picture with no headline. I'm guessing that these copies are produced from PDFs and sometimes not all the elements are included. It doesn't happen too often but it's fun trying to make up your own headline.


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