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Monday, April 14, 2008


Qatar Airways is a fine airline but it's very strict on baggage allowances. I've flown on them several times but today's journey from Bangkok to Dubai via Doha didn't give me any problems; I was at least 7kgs under my 20kgs allowance.
Others weren't so fortunate. When I was checking in I noticed at least 10 people in front of me (from around 40 at the time) that were being charged extra. One mother and daughter literally had to go through their luggage and discard things they weren't going to take in order to make the weight. I assume they didn't have money and were well over their allowance.
When I first came to Thailand I paid (or rather my Dad paid, thanks again Dad) around 100 quid extra for my additions 12kgs over the 20kgs. I personally have nothing against the airline but they do seem to strictly enforce their baggage allowances more than other airlines. They're at the lower end of the pricing structure so if you end up having to pay extra that cheap fare suddenly doesn't look such a bargain.
My experience today got me thinking. They charge for people over their allowance but how about offering a discount for people under? It might make passengers think twice before packing or buying something to take home. What do you think? Would it work?


Anonymous 1:55 PM  

Oh yeah, they should definitely do this. I would actually propose to take the total weight (passenger und baggages) and calculate the end price from a base price (for the seat) plus a variable price per kilo.
And this is not because I'm thin as a stick but I just think it would be fair.

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 8:36 PM  

Hmm .. good idea Peter although it would mean I am over weight every single flight. I am not exactly thin as a stick - quite the opposite actually but it's a fair point.

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