TrueVision ended its provision of BBC Entertainment on its channel line-up from midnight this morning.
Channel 38, the previous home of the popular channel, is now home to AXN Beyond which includes reruns of shows such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The X-Files. On Channel 40, previously AXN, is American Sports Network (ASN) which is now (4.45am) showing live Nascar. STC, which was on channel 42, is now home to Nickelodeon.
Despite a deafening public silence to the large number of complaints, not solely from expats, TrueVisision has responded to customer emails by saying: "In a continuing effort to maximize TrueVision's audience base, the company will replace three new channels that appealed to a wide audience. The company is responding to an overwhelming level of demand and has decided to replace the existing channels that are due for contract renewal this month. The three channels were selected for their high rating in several countries and have been demanded by subscribers through our website and call center so it is fortuitous that these channels are available at this time."
Have you canceled your agreement with TrueVision? Have you downgraded your package? I am certain the company will be swamped with enquiries from people this week from people who were simply previously unaware of the changes.
Check out Channels 81 upwards - DLTV - exciting teaching and school stuff.
The only thing you can otherwise do is to install your independent satellite dish ...
This week, I downgraded to True's Gold Package solely because they dropped BBC Entertainment. AXN Beyond, with its tired re-runs, is hardly a worthy substitute and there's nothing else in the Platinum Package worth watching.
True's explanation for dumping my favourite channel is completely disingenuous and, frankly, it makes my blood boil.
Left to my own devices, I'd drop True completely, install a giant dish and go with the (rainproof!) All Africa Multichoice Network but, unfortunately, my better half still needs her Thai subtitles.
If TrueVisions has been honest from the start and said something like: "Look guys, the Beeb wants too much money this time around" we could have vented our anger at London. Instead True has orchestrated a complete customer service and PR disaster by not even have the decency to comment publicly Quite frankly that shows how much they care about their subscribers.
What amazed me was the until yesterday one of their sales units in a Bangkok mall was still promoting and selling BBC Entertainment as part of the Platinum package !!
Everyone I know has already downgraded their True package to Gold or canceled their True subscription altogether. One of my friends went to the True office to cancel his service and was asked "Why?". he replied "Guess". The service agent replied "BBC Entertainment?".
Look at what you can get from Sky in the UK for very little extra. What TrueVisions offers now is simply pathetic and not worth even 200 baht a month let alone the 2,000+ they want to charge.
For the sort of money elsewhere in the world you literally get hundreds of channels.
I just cancelled UBC/True after 11 years of subscription (they made a fortune with me!) - and a technician who is actually a subcontracter of True installed a gray market dish. Or should I say black market?
Works like a dream. For a one time fee. Sorry True, I was loyal for so long, you forced me to go this way.
My son seems to be excited about the change.
At school there's talk about Nickelodeon available on True.
Whereas I still have no clue what Nickelodeon is all about.
Maybe some of us are simply too old fashioned.
Perhaps the Nickelodeon hype justifies what True Visions has done?
I too am completely fed up with True, and dropping BBC Entertainment was the final straw. I have been informed, however, that some people at True are compiling letters of complaint in an effort to bring BBC back, so send them as many emails as you can!!!!! Come on people, let's get True off their backside.
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