Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Sunday, August 02, 2009


For the past month I've had real problems trying to buy a copy of The Bangkok Post on a Saturday.
I tweeted about this yesterday and it appears I am not the only one who has noticed that fewer copies of the newspaper are making it into the shops. One replied that a retailer had said fewer copies were being delivered.
Yesterday I tried five different outlets in central Bangkok - none of which had copies on sale. The only copy I saw was at the subscriptions booth at Central Chitlom but this was "not for sale".
Has anyone else noticed?


(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 7:07 AM  

By way of clarification, as of the period July-Dec 2008 The Bangkok Post sold just 25.9 % of its copies through the news trade,

The audit figures for the first six months of this year are likely being compiled at the moment and will be released next month, however a further decline is more than likely given current market conditions.

If fewer copies are being sold then the publisher will want to eliminate as much waste as possible and will likely reduce the print run.

The good thing with The Bangkok Post is that we will, once the audited circulation figures are released, be able to see what's happening.

You cannot see that with any other paid-for publication in Thailand at the moment.

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