Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Monday, August 24, 2009


For the last three years I've been under the impression that The Bangkok Post is the only paid-for publication of any kind with an independently audited circulation.
I'm wrong.
Reader's Digest Thailand also has one, conducted by Hong Kong Audit Bureau of Circulation (KHABC). And the latest statement for the six months ending December 2008 showed the monthly magazine's headline sales were 69,191 copies per edition. Of these an average of 4,362 copies were sold through shops, while a whopping 58,920 copies were sold on subscriptions. This will undoubtedly make the magazine the best subscribed in Thailand.
Looking at the data since 2006, Reader's Digest Thailand has seen its average sales fall by 17.38%, with subscriptions down 19.05 per cent and the number of copies allocated for free distribution down 54.15 per cent. However in the same period the number of copies sold through the news trade has grown 15.09 per cent.
This new discovery means Reader's Digest Thailand is the only paid-for magazine in the country with an independently audited circulation.


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