Thailand has locally produced magazines serving the English, German, Scandinavian, Russian and Japanese communities. Add Indian to that list now.
Masala, a free bi-monthly English language magazine, debuted last week. According to the magazine's website it aims to provide "Thai seasoned-Indian content in a chic and contemporary design, making Masala the perfect blend of East and West."
In addition to its free print distribution, the publishers have also provided a page-flipping digital version of the inaugural 92=page magazine on their website.
Comment left by "Anonymous" at 12.20pm on Sunday, August 23.
I do not think that this magazine will survive for long. they started their inaugaural issue with a loser on the cover: Nishita Shah. There is so much crap about her... (edited for legal reasons). They should have featured some up and coming Indian Kids of the new generation from hard working parents .. (edited again for legal reasons).
I am happy to accept anonymous comments, but comments from anyone that stray into areas that could pose legal problems will always be edited. (Andrew - The Bangkok Bugle).
So, after this inflammatory comment in Aug 2009, what happened? Is the magazine still alive??
Is the magazine still alive, after its launch in Aug 2009??
I'm happy to note Masala is still being published. I've only ever seen one physical copy (given to my directly by the editor), but I regularly read free copies which are available on their website as a digital edition.
It's not available in the shops - and it goes to show you do not always need newstrade distribution to produce a magazine.
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