The Guardian recently published a story which looked at the percentage of newsstand sales of British daily newspapers as a percentage of overall circulation.
During the month of December 2010, a total of 97 per cent of the audited sales of The Daily Mirror were achieved through single copy sales. Contrast this to the mere 16 per cent achieved by The Financial Times.
These figures ignore subscription copies, as well as copies sold as part of heavily discounted bulk sales agreements, and those copies distributed freely.
And where would The Bangkok Post, Thailand's only audited newspaper appear alongside its UK rivals?
During the first six months of 2010, the most recently audited figures available, an average of 30.6 per cent of its daily sales (13,741 copies from a circulation of 44,901) were achieved at full price through newsstands.
Percentage of single copy sales vs. overall circulation
Daily Mirror: 97%
Daily Mail: 85%
The Guardian: 79%
The Times: 70%
Daily Express: 57%
Daily Telegraph: 49%
The Independent: 46%
The Independent: 46%
The Sun: 41%
Daily Star: 39%
The Bangkok Post: 30%
Financial Times: 16%
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