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Saturday, November 07, 2015


The Thai language licensed edition of Science Illustrated magazine (November edition is pictured here) isn't new but it stands out for me for appearing not to have a single advertisement.
Of course I could be wrong; many "editorial" pieces are paid for in some way but I don't think it's the case with this magazine, with is now at Issue 56 and is produced by the international magazine publishing division of Post Publishing - aka the Bangkok Post.
 Warning signs, for me, start to appear when the contents appear on the inside front cover and page 3 - normally two prime advertising slots. The Editor's Letter is next - on page 4.
The Post has deep pockets but this is the first edition I have seen of this magazine for a while, so I cannot say whether a lack of advertising is endemic with this title.
For sure the topic is likely to be a hard sell for any sales professional, and priced at 120 baht for its 90-pages I doubt it will be making significant money from copy sales - taking into account the cost of unsold copies and the commission for the ones that do sell - like the one I purchased today.


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