Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Previously I wrote about the lateness with which imported magazines arrived on the bookshelves in Thailand.
Here is proof it CAN be done more professionally.
Pictured (right) is the FEBRUARY 2016 of U.K. fashion magazine Red, which I picked up from Bangkok best source of overseas magazines (aka Chatuchak Weekend Market).
I have to say, drifting of the subject slightly, that even the locally-published Thai language magazines will not have published their February editions yet.
This magazine is sold in "normal" bookshops in Thailand but I predict it will be late April before it hits the shelves - let's see.
As i have written before, these particular editions are "recycled" by cleaners at Bangkok's two airports, so if you happen to leave a magazine on your inbound flight to Bangkok it could well end up in my hands!


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(c) The Bangkok Bugle 2006 - 2015. Email me at bkkandy AT for information.