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Thursday, March 08, 2007


My ankle still hurts today although I can tell the worst is over. I'm still having trouble walking but I am far more mobile than I was this time yesterday.
I know I only have myself to blame for this attack of gout, if that is what it is. In recent weeks I had adopted the lazy attitude of ordering McDonalds anything up to three times a week. I had managed to resist KFC though after it was probably the reason for my first attack.
Right now I am just drinking water and aiming to eat as much fruit as I can. I've just had lunch - some blackberries and strawberries - and this morning one of my colleagues brought in some mangoes. There are so many fruits in Thailand that I doubt anyone can get bored of eating fruit.


Teresa H 6:57 PM  

I think I could get bored of eating fruit you know!
You are having a rough time of it healthwise over there at the moment - I suspect it is the long hours you are working that is leading to much of this. I find when I am busy food is the easiest thing to get lazy about Fish and Chips or Chinese is so much easier than cooking but long term it really does you no good. My new rule is Fish and Chips (stressing the Fish not pie or sausage) once a week and Chinese only every other week. It always strikes me how much better I eat in the Summer here due to my allotment producing fresh fruit and veg and also due to the fact that I am working more normal hours (i.e. not 2/3 evenings a week).

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 8:15 PM  

You're right Teresa,it's just down to lazyness really. We leave home at 6.10am and are never home before 7pm. Even then it's hard to find the energy to cook something, especially as I only have a microwave and table-top cooker in my condo. Tanya is good - she will often buy things during the day and bring them home. It's a waste to keep eating Western food when you look at all the wonderful things on offer here.

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