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Monday, November 27, 2006


... then Thailand isn't a nice place to be. I read somewhere last week that Bangkok is the hottest capital city in the world. I don't know how true that is, but it did feel noticably warmer yesterday.
In the six months (almost) I have been here, I've got use to the heat and humidity, and I am now even able to detect subtle changes - like from a normal 32 degrees C to 35 which is what it was yesterday.
My new Japanese colleague comes to work with a towel because, by the time he gets here he's literally dripping with sweat. I wasn't quite that bad when I first arrived, but now I have even taken to wearing a jacket to and from work. The tourists in their t-shirts, shorts and sandals must look at me and think I am crazy, but I suppose I have just adapted now.
All this means I'll be in for somewhat of a shock later this week when I arrive back in the UK.


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