Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but more than two months after the coup most of Thailand is still under Martial Law. I say most because today the governing authority, named the Council for National Security (CNS for short), will be lifting Martial Law in around 40 provinces.
Bangkok, the pro-Thaksin strongholds in the north of the country, and areas around the borders will still be under Martial Law, at least for the time being.

As far as my day-to-day life is concerned, being under Martial Law made seen no difference whatsoever. I think there has been some impact on the newspapers and what they are able to report, but that hasn't really affacted us and our 'lightweight' magazines.


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