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Monday, April 02, 2007


It took 295 days but I have finally succumbed to something I thought I would never do - take a ride on one of Bangkok's famous (or infamous) motorcycle taxis.
It happened on Saturday morning; we had left Tanya's home and were heading to the mouth of her soi to get a taxi to head out shopping. Two motorcycle taxis were waiting, and after originally saying no Tanya persuaded me to try and I hopped on the back. It was extremely hot and the thought of walking wasn't an appetising one. Not only was this my first experience in Thailand, but was also my first ever on a motorcycle. The whole journey lasted little more than a couple of minutes and the driver barely went above 20 mph.
Taking one of these bikes on a quiet lane, as I did on Saturday, is fine but I still wouldn't want to be a passenger on one of these things in Bangkok's notorious traffic.


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