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Tuesday, September 29, 2015


It's almost like I've never been away.
The image (right) is the most recent trend data for the print circulation of The Bangkok Post, one of two English national daily newspapers in the Kingdom and the only one that submits itself to an independent circulation audit.
Although the headline sales figure for the first six month of 2015 was 32,745 copies per day, the single copy sales dropped to just 9,240 copies per day. Those are the individual copies purchased through the likes of Kinokuniya and Asia Books.

What's even more interesting to me is the 11,844 multiple copy sales every day. These end up in hotels and on the airlines. Often they're not read and on more than several occasions I have seen just the first part of what is often a four or five section publication being distributed through this method.
It wasn't so long ago that circulation of The Bangkok Post was more than double what it is now, but this is a classic example of how even though print has declined, it's still a necessity in this part of the world.


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