Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Probably one of the biggest changes I've witnessed in the four years "I've been away" is the awareness that journalists have to be far more than just writers (and I'm not talking about taking photos, shooting videos, and everything else).
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has become a key part of almost all work done by journalists everywhere in the world. You could have just written the best story in the world, but without good SEO and promotion the changes are that no one will ever get to see it.

I think the problem, or at least some of them, can best be explained in this excellent article from a few days ago titled: "Is Your Content Working Better For Someone Else?"
The piece highlights the problem that even with a good website ranking, Google is not yet able to distinguish clearly between the original creator and the "content thief" with the better ranking.
As a good journalist you should be a natural when it comes to SEO. Tell the story in the opening paragraph, and then elaborate. You will not have any problems.
If you have time it's well worth reading.


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