Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


News that both FHM and Zoo are to cease publishing will raise serious questions around the world about the continued viability of the global magazine licensing business.
Bauer Media, owner of the brands, has announced the closure of the iconic "lads mags" however both titles have Thai language licensed editions - so although the closure is reported to impact 20 members of staff in the U.K. far more in Thailand (and around the world with other editions) will be affected.
It's extremely likely the Thai editions of both magazines are making money, and in the case of FHM Thailand it has branched out beyond print to include television and other extensions.
So the question now is what happens to the Thailand editions? Without the parent what value does the brand have, or do both titles have enough of an established presence in Thailand to survive on their own? And what about license fees and brand ownership?
I hope the license agreement between the Thai publishers are Bauer Media provides answers to all of these, and other, questions that arise.


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