Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Saturday, December 05, 2015


This is probably not the best day of the year to highlight this story, but yesterday's edition of The International New York Times (Friday, December 4) again contained a 'blank space' on its editorial page, page 6 (pictured).
The decision to "blank' this article was made by Eastern Printers who seem to control the content of the THB85 baht per day newspaper.
Interestingly though, the front cover teaser lets readers know what they are missing.
Headlined: "The Thai Monarchy's Money", the teaser goes on to say: "The agency that controls the palace's assets is one of Thailand's most powerful and most mysterious economic actors."
Surely those responsible for censoring the main piece missed the front page teaser? Those few words alone will drive more people online to see what they've missed in the print edition.
Another print publication for my growing collection of "only in Thailand' episodes.


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