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Tuesday, January 05, 2016


It's not that often that I get my hands on a 75-year-old publication - but five copies of the 1940s British newspaper/magazine The War Illustrated (right) and now in my hands.
What's more - they came from Chatuchak Weekend Market and cost just THB 200 each - a bargain in my view.
This edition is dated May 24th 1940 and features a "double-page" map of Holland and Belgium in the centrefold. Amazingly it also includes a flyer advertising a 'First World War Encycolpedia" that readers can order. I wonder what would happen if I sent that back now?
The publication is fascinating for history buffs, as well as being extremely interesting for news junkies such as me. There are some fascinating first-hand reports of the war along with some particularly harowing images.
When you consider that the vast majority of current imported European and American magazines cost at least double what I paid for this edition, you can understand how pleased I am to have it in my collection.
Quite how it ended up in Bangkok is anyone's guess?


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