Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Wednesday, January 06, 2016


The fact that The Economist magazine has made it to the bookshelves in Thailand this week really shouldn't be news - but given it's recent rack record and one story in this edition I'm surprised it has.
In recent years the Singapore-based publisher has declined to send copies when sensitive issues are reported in print. It would be unlikely that any retailer would want to sell those editions for fear of being accused of lese majeste.
This week's edition, which includes a report on the insurgency in Southern Thailand, in my opinion verges on something that could have lead to yet another non-appearence.
It makes mention of the Thai government, religion as well as the institution that cannot be mentioned. Enough - in my view - to cause potential problems.
I am not saying it would be right to self-censor this piece because the article is available online, however if I were a retailer I would certainly have second thoughts about selling it given the current laws in Thailand.


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