Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


By this time of the day (3.45pm) I have normally written three, four or even more entries to the blog. The reason for my lack of activity today is that I spent a few hours this morning at a local hospital.
For the past 10 days or so I have been suffering from occasional headaches. To be honest I put it down to stress and problems associated with hypertension. Because they weren't going away and because I was worried that they pain was being caused by high blood pressure then I thought I should get it checked out.
I was actually quite surprised that my blood pressure wasn't pretty normal, although that was probably down to the fact that I had restarted taking the tablets I was prescribed when I was in the UK. I don't really feel stressed although I do know that my work is challenging and, at times, difficult. I did feel far more stressed in my previous roles in the UK.
Two things emerged after my four hours in the hospital this morning. The first was that my current pains are almost certainly down to a combination of muscle strain, over work and stress. (That covers pretty much everything). The second thing that emerged after seven x-rays was that I have a minor problem with my neck/spine that will need further investigation. Apparently the cartilage between my fifth and sixth vertebrae is being squeezed out of place, meaning it's probably contributing to some of my discomfort by pressing on a nerve. That's something that will need looking at in the future, but in the meantime I have three sets of tablets and some cream to help with the current headaches.


Teresa H 5:30 PM  

Hmmm cream?? for a headache??
Where on earth do you rub it??

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 5:41 PM  

Good point Teresa. It's actually a muscle rub more than a cream, and it's for my neck as opposed to my head. That said, you can get all sorts of potions and lotions out here and I am sure there would be some kind of cream specifically for a headache.

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