Note: The older content written as part of this blog was relevant at the time but may have since changed. Please don't hesitate to contact me for clarification.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


We've taken the decision to cease publishing one of our magazines at the end of this month. The reason is simply - there's not enough advertising being generated to make it financially viable. It's our free job-seeking title, and it's a shame because it's been going for just over one year. We are going to replace it with a new, as yet unnamed title but without solving the revenue issue then we might run into the same problems.
Since I arrived here I have noticed the main problem isn't the products we are producing, moreover it's the lack of experience and ability within our small sales team That's why we have to recruit someone with experience from either the UK, US, Singapore or Australia, for the role of Sales and Marketing Manager. They'll be looking after all our titles but mainly responsible for the new magazine.
I know it's not going to be easy to get this person, but for anyone that does come here it will be a great challenge and an opportunity to work with a global brand.
I'm chatting to one possible candidate when I come back to the UK, and I have someone else in Singapore that might be interested - but if you know anyone that might fit the bill then please point them in my direction.


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