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Friday, August 07, 2009


The Thai radio industry has come under fire in an article in the latest print edition of Media magazine.
The story quotes Rathakorn Surbsuk from advertising agency Mindshare as saying ".. it's a lack of ideas and creativity" rather than the global economic crisis for a 14 per cent decline in radio sector ad spending during the first half of 2009.
Surbsuk says: "If a particular radio format becomes a hit, other radio stations begin to copy it. We end up with all the stations having similar play lists, styles and jingles, or even having commercial breaks at the same time. When radio stations become a 'commodity product' the only difference is price".
My own radio listening habits are limited to an hour in the evening during the taxi ride home. I listen to Wave 88 which is Bangkok's only 24-hour English language radio station.


Gareth 4:12 PM  

Thai TV is just the same.

All show the same types of programmes at the same time, and all programmes have the same format - some soaps even appear to have the same stories.

Boring and mindless nonsense.

Creative magazines are the way forward :-)

Anonymous 1:34 PM  

It seems the TV, movie industry and even advertising (such as the BTS) share the same business model - copy something that sells and do it over and over again. Slapstick humor, whistles and drum rolls.

It also extends to the music industry, with GMM Grammy monopolising artists, copying other markets (such as Korea) and ensuring all the acts sound the same. GMM and copyright infringement have killed the music industry in Thailand - if there ever was one.

(c) 2016 Written by Andrew Batt 1:39 PM  

I can only see more of this happening in the short term, because publishers/producers/broadcasters are not going to try anything that isn't proven to work.

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